Since its founding in 2011 Focus PLM has built its systems for Product Lifecycle Management on Aras Innovator®, a complete PLM solution developed with state-of-art technologies, an innovative architecture and a functional coverage comparable with the other high-end products such as Windchill, Teamcenter and Enovia.

Aras Innovator® has a Web-based Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), with N levels – Web client, application server(s), database(s) and file server(s). It relies upon standard Internet protocols such as HTTP / HTTPS, XML and SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol).

This architecture ensures scalability and optimal performances also in geographically distributed environments. Scalability is possible independently for each level of the architecture, starting from document access (adopting distributed or replicated file vaults) and, if needed, extending to metadata management (multiple application servers).

Aras Innovator® is distributed according to the Enterprise Open Source approach, that allows unlimited use with no license costs of an open version released annually.

For a business-critical application, Aras proposes a maintenance and support contract – the Unlimited Subscription – that ensures several important advantages:

Aras Innovator®

Monthly Service Packs

Aras Innovator®

Security updates, Hot Fixes

Aras Innovator®

New features and improvements

Aras Innovator®

Microsoft Certified Version

Aras Innovator®

Additional subscribers-only solutions

Aras Innovator®

Unlimited online support

Aras Innovator®

Free attendance to scheduled training classes (at Aras premises)

Aras Innovator®

Upgrade to new Aras versions included!

Please download an overview of Aras Innovator® filling the form at this link.